Contemporary Movement Explorations | Beginner + Newbie Friendly Contemporary Tuesday’s 6:45 - 8pm | Advanced Contemporary Explorations Thursdays 6:30 - 8pat Courageous Yoga. Together in this class, we’ll breathe life into our intentions, explore our creative play space, build up some heat as we ground and stabilize our bodies, groove with a dance neighbor for a brain game or two, and then we’ll crank the music and jam some musically driven choreography. Wearing layers is suggested.

coCreate Improv Jam | one Saturday a month from 6 - 7:30p MST at Courageous Yoga. This community centered jam is an opportunity for movers to explore creative intuition and connect with fellow artists. Expect a gently guided breathful introduction that evolves into a freeform container for courageous authenticity and playful exploration.


I am currently booking for the Summer + Fall of 2024. Please contact me for inquires regarding residencies, guest classes, choreographic opportunities, or just so we can be introduced and stay on each others' radar.